Raspberry Dijon vinaigrette is savory with cranberries, toasted pecans, red onion, and feta cheese. A real crowd pleaser! Can substitute brie for feta,...
This was given to me by a friend, who got it from a little pasta house restaurant in her hometown. It calls for mixed greens, red onion and artichokes...
This delicious roasted beet salad is just the right combination of flavors and textures, and more than once someone has told me that it is the best salad...
This was the result of an attempt to imitate a salad dressing at a restaurant. I did modify it to include bacon and I serve it warm. The dressing is also...
This is a healthy and delicious salad. It has easy to find ingredients, it is easy to make, and it tastes like gourmet. Try to use a romaine/red leaf mixture;...
This salad is a bit of work, but it's so delicious and always impresses guests. Mache can be hard to find, so you may omit it and just use arugula, but...
This easy-to-assemble salad combines the great crunch of apples and almonds with the sweetness of golden raisins and the unique texture of feta cheese....
This salad has become a staple of my kitchen. I like that it is a chopped salad, a technique that virtually ensures each bite will include every ingredient....
Grapeseed oil is the secret to this salad. If you cannot find it, use olive oil. Preparation time is 15 Minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
This hearty and flavorful salad is easy to prepare and great served over warm laffa bread for a complete meal. While my favorite version contains a tasty...
This easy salad recipe will thrill all of your guests! A bowl of mixed greens is adorned with bits of apple, chopped walnuts, and Gorgonzola or feta cheese,...
I first made this salad for my family's Thanksgiving dinner several years ago as a starter, and it was a big hit. This recipe was inspired after I had...
This salad is the perfect and healthy combination of tangy beets and creamy avocado. Add in the sweet cherries and crunchy pistachios and you will have...
This recipe was inspired by a visit to a restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona. I loved it so much I ran back to my hotel room and wrote down everything I could...
Senga landscape architect and her chef husband David celebrate the first days of summer with an easy strawberry summer salad recipe using ingredients from...
The best part of this salad is the dressing. Its great on any salad and I prefer using big yellow onions that are strong in flavor. Add a bit of goat cheese...
Raspberry Dijon vinaigrette is savory with cranberries, toasted pecans, red onion, and feta cheese. A real crowd pleaser! Can substitute brie for feta,...
'Outrageously Good?' I'm not kidding. So simple to make, but the combination of ingredients makes it sophisticated. The mix of tangy grapefruit, sweet...